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Bowmore 1964 Bicentenary - 70cl/43%

Bowmore 1964 Bicentenary - 70cl/43%

Please note that there is a design flaw with all Bowmore Bicentenary bottles. The cork is very thin and held in place by the wax, the wax is also soluble in whisky. This can create issues in transit where a bottle with no issues can start to leak,

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數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Bowmore 1964 Bicentenary 

Islay’s oldest working distillery, Bowmore was established in 1779 and is now regarded as one of the most popular malts not only on Islay, but in the whole of Scotland. The distillery was acquired by Stanley P. Morrison in 1963, ushering in an era of iconic single malts, including the legendary Black Bowmore, credited by many as the genesis of whisky collecting, bottled in 1993. The distillery was bought under the control Suntory the year after (they had been stakeholders since 1989), and it remains one of the most collectible brands in Scotch whisky today. Bowmore is one of the few remaining Scottish distilleries to use its own floor maltings, providing them with 40% of their requirements.

Released in early 1979, this legendary bottling of Bowmore contains whisky vatted from a selection of casks distilled in 1964.  This Bicentenary release is widely considered to be one of the best Bowmore ever bottled.

The selected casks were all matured exclusively in Bowmore's famous No.1 Vault, the original warehouse at the distillery, which dates back to 1779. The bottle, bearing the Morrison clan coat of arms, is a replica of a hand blown decanter.

Please note that there is a design flaw with all Bowmore Bicentenary bottles. The cork is very thin and held in place by the wax, the wax is also soluble in whisky. This can create issues in transit where a bottle with no issues can start to leak,



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