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Hibiki 30 Year Old Aritayaki Decanter - 75cl/43%

Hibiki 30 Year Old Aritayaki Decanter - 75cl/43%

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數量 組合數量
一次最大商品購買數量限制為 99999



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Hibiki 30 Year Old Aritayaki Decanter

Suntory are one of the founding fathers of Japanese whisky, established by Shinjirō Torii in 1899 as a wine store in Osaka. The venture was hugely successful, and the company was renamed Kotobukiya in 1921, which built its first distillery three years later, Yamazaki. The distillery produced both malt and grain whiskies which the company blended together, releasing its first Suntory White Label in 1929, the resulting popularity of which saw the firm renamed after it 1963. Expansion in the next decade saw the company move its grain production to a new Chita distillery in 1972, and open a second malt distillery, Hakushu, the following year. Suntory today has a large stake in both the bourbon and Scotch whisky industry, but remains at the forefront of its native whisky market too.

This is Suntory's most popular blend, the Hibiki. Launched in 1989, it contains malt whisky from Yamazaki and Hakushu, and grain from the Chita distillery. Launched in 1997, the 30 year old is the only age-statement still in production, alongside the long-serving 21 year old.

Hibiki 30 year old is a very popular and stunning blend produced by Suntory.  This limited edition version was bottled to commemorate the first ceramics to be made in Japan.



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